20.02.2024, 09:30 Uhr
Distance and emotion: Ukrainian historians in war times
February 2024 marks a sad anniversary: We are two years into the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine. Documenting this war has been a critical issue since the beginning. In our latest podcast episode, we talked to Sofia Dyak, who works and lives in Lviv, about the consequences for historians: Where and how can Ukrainian historians currently make a meaningful contribution collecting testimonies about everyday life in times of occupation and armed conflict? How is it possible for them to separate between academic distance and emotional involvement? And to what kind of post-war justice can historians contribute in Ukraine while the war is still unfolding? Information about our guest and her work: About Sofia Dyak Center for Urban History in Lviv Interview with Sofia Dyak from 2020: "These days, I am thinking about Lviv in 1939" Subscribe to our podcast! You can find us on Apple Podcast... mehr